Change is the mother of invention. You need to keep updating or modifying yourself to better yourself. If you are the same as you were yesterday, then probably you are just being a burden on Earth because everyone on this Earth is here for a reason and you ought to find that. You ought to find the best in yourself.You ought to bring a change. You are here where you can see the miserable plight of people and it's such a shame that you are ignoring that or you feel yourself helpless. But have you planned to stay helpless forever? So why not work for it. Work for yourself. Work for your parents. Work for your Nation. Work for the nature. All you gotta do is stop procrastinating and step ahead. Take life changing decisions now. Get up. Get Ready.
Here are the list of areas that you need to work immediately on:
2. A Hobby
A Hobby is something that makes you independent. You don't need to depend on others to entertain yourself. You can chose to read novels, listen to music or watch Youtube videos. Besides, you can chose a hobby which is good for your health as well. For e.g. learn to horse ride or sky diving or parasailing or skate boarding or anything that you can just do and learn and enjoy. You can also join abacus classes or join any dance club or a photography club. So what are you waiting for. Get a hobby.
3. Knowledge
In this world where there are people full of show offs, you gotta keep yourself updated. There are two benefits of that, no one will be able to fool you and that will also cultivate new ideas in you which you can use to benefit yourself and others. So make a note to daily get at least one hour just to go through the news to know what's going on around the world.
4. Socialize
It is a good quality to socialize and meet new people, but it is also important to know about people's interests. Share your views and listen other's views too. Chanakya said that life is too short to experience yourself and learn. It is important to learn from other's experiences. But spend minimal time on that. Also, prefer quality over quantity.
5. Investment
Yes, this is equally important. You can't just think of working all by yourself and still achieve everything you desire for. You need to invest your money and that requires investing your money wisely. This is the time you need to decide what all options you have and which is the best for you. Learn about share market and share business for better results. Be aware about the Government Policies.Don't go by what others do. Carefully Plan what's good for you.
So what are you waiting for, set your resolutions now;)
Here are the list of areas that you need to work immediately on:
- Health
This is something no one can argue upon. If you are unfit, you can't think of making anything else to be fit.Plan to get healthy. Even if you are overweight or underweight, you need to work on that. Start to join a gym or a yoga center or a regular exercise regime whichever suits you. But you need to do it.Also, if you think you are fit, you need to maintain that.
2. A Hobby

3. Knowledge

4. Socialize

It is a good quality to socialize and meet new people, but it is also important to know about people's interests. Share your views and listen other's views too. Chanakya said that life is too short to experience yourself and learn. It is important to learn from other's experiences. But spend minimal time on that. Also, prefer quality over quantity.
5. Investment

Yes, this is equally important. You can't just think of working all by yourself and still achieve everything you desire for. You need to invest your money and that requires investing your money wisely. This is the time you need to decide what all options you have and which is the best for you. Learn about share market and share business for better results. Be aware about the Government Policies.Don't go by what others do. Carefully Plan what's good for you.
So what are you waiting for, set your resolutions now;)
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