Cooking is one of the most important activity we do everyday mindlessly to feed us. One of the most important ingredient no matter which meal we cook is Oil. Olive oil, Mustard oil, Sunflower oil, sesame oil all are the very common names of oil we see at at homes or at resturarest we eat. The one unsung hero out of this list is the Palm Oil.
Dr Bhavna Shah (MPOC Regional head for India & Sri Lanka) recently gave a talk at the “Malaysian Palm Oil Council” at Ardor 2.1 i happened to learn and know more about the use and benefits of Palm oil. It came to me as such an eye-opener to knowkPalm Oil is used in food processing industry to pharmaceutical industry. The wide array of benifits that ride with usege of this oil is far beyond anyone's knowledge. Companies like Nestle, McDonald’s, Kellogg’s in food space & Reckitt Benckiser, P & G, Colgate Palmolive etc. for cosmetics like soap, shampoos & toothpaste has been using Palm oil from a long time.

Palm oil is a wholesome and nutritious oil suitable for human consumption tested and certified by CODEX Alimentations. Palm oil has justjthe right balanced of fatty acid composition and high content of vitamin E.
Palm Oil even benefits the world
- It is the world’s most efficient oilseed crop – It yields 7 – 10 times more oil per hectare than other oil-bearing crops.
- To cultivate palm oil, less land and fewer fertilizers than any other oil crop are used
- Palm oil is the staple oil which more than 2 Billion people arounwd the world have been using.
- It supports 300,000 small farmers in Malaysia and over 4,000,000 farmers worldwide.
Palm Oil is an important commodity in the global oils and fats market and it is an essential vegetable oil for ensuring global food security. Malaysian palm oil industry’s sustainability policy and certification system ensure the production and the availability of high-quality palm oil in the global market.
All work and no play makesmjack a dull boy. People at the organising team indetified it and kept pretty interesting activities for us. We headed into a treasure chase in which the first stop was Pandeypaan. Here we tasted the paan consisted of nuts which were fried in Palm Oil. Our next location was Mybar headquarters, where we h made an innovative plate of mixed greens by means of picking 5 ingredients utilizing palm oil as primary with vegetables and Spices.
At Punjaby Nature, where we solved aptitude regarding Palm Oil. After this, we headed for the beginning spot i.e. Ardor2.1. Here we did blindfold food tasting in which one of the main ingredients was Palm Oil
The session was a great learning place & it really cleared out various misleading information against the usage of Palm Oil.
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